A Space for highs, lows and growth

Women’s health

Physical therapy under the women’s health umbrella can address dysfunction of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. They also function to help a person maintain continence with any activity, and allow for sexual appreciation. When there is dysfunction in the pelvic floor, a number of things can happen: incontinence, leaking, painful intercourse, or constipation. Exercises targeting both the pelvic floor specifically, and the body as a whole are incorporated to help you achieve the best results possible. Hands on techniques are utilized both globally to the body (typically hips and low back), but also internally to the pelvic floor. This assessment and treatment technique will not be utilized unless that is something you are comfortable with. If you would feel more comfortable having another person present during your appointment, please feel free to bring them along. As a small clinic, I do not have another person available to sit in on your session.


Orthopedic concerns are those related to bones, muscles and joints. This could include shoulder, hip, low back or knee pain. I have extensive experience in treating athletic or running injuries, low back, and SI joint pain. Physical therapy uses a variety of hands on techniques and exercises to address injuries that are limiting your ability to perform daily activities.

Physical therapy

*Note: physical therapy sessions do require a prescription if care will extend beyond 10 visits or 21 days (whichever comes first)